ECE Invitations

You are invited to.....

Home and School Visits

Expect a call from your child's classroom teacher when enrolled at ECE Maddox. Classroom staff will schedule a home visit or virtual tour with new enrolled students.

ECE Maddox Advisory Board

The ECE Maddox Advisory board is made up of family members, community members and staff who work together to oversee the program. They specifically address systems of support to achieve the school readiness skills for kindergarten and all future school success.

Childcare and food is  provided during these meetings

Please reach out to ECE Principal if you have an interest in being on this board. 

Meeting Dates 2024-2025 TBD

2024-2025 Family Nights 

Our family events are opportunities for families to get to know each other, learn about programming, receive resources, and educational activities. Please look at parent square invitations for detailed information. 

You are ALL invited!

SAC meeting times and dates for ECE Maddox


Englewood schools events in December



Kindergarten round up invitation with date, time and location.



First page of the PDF file: STEAMinvitation